13 Artists' Works of the 2006 Show

ARTISTS WANTED: Contact the Doc at
crimsontheatre@sbcglobal.net for info

All 13 of the Artists' works will be displayed
Appearances at the show:
Grave Sights Hearse Club


Joe Barr
Joel Hinds
Paul Hoepner
June Knudsen
Big Nick from 4th Gear Studios
Nora Nieves (see her work below)
Ralph (Vampiro) Piro
Brigitta Richter
Dave Watling
Karen S. Wollert
Marty Wollert
Doctor Destruction

A Self Portrait of the Doc in the
Dorian Gray style

Some of Nory Nieves' work:

Charlize Theron as Aeon Flux

Phantom of the Opera



Visit the Doctor's site Dr-Destruction.tripod.com
Learn about the KAA KenoshaArtAssoc.org

DorianGrayArtShow.com Copyright 2006-07

Website design by Karen S Wollert



A link to "Edgar Allen Poe"
original music by Doctor Destruction










One of the Doctor's 'Dorian Gray' works

Examples of work in the Art Show:

photography by Joe Barr

"Path Not Taken"

Joel Hinds paintings

The original masks of Paul Hoepner

See his interview with the Doc
May be a bit of a wait for the download
(QuickTime Player needed - Get it here)

June Knudsen's watercolors

her H.P. Lovecraft portrait

Air Brush work and pin striping by
Big Nick from 4th Gear Studios

movies by Ralph (Vampiro) Piro

paintings by Brigitta Richter

paintings by Dave Watling

paintings and drawings by Karen S. Wollert

'Soul Mates'
and more to be displayed at the show
See the Kenosha News article about
Karen and the DGAS

two sculptures by Marty Wollert

'Little Chick's First Encounter With The Spider'